Curriculum / Resources
Learn To Read Comics will post recommendations for lesson plans and ways to utilize the comic books and supplies we provide. Coming soon: curriculum related to the following:
- Identifying new vocabulary words
- Creating new dialog in existing window panes
- Finishing the story
- Creating your own superhero and describing their powers
- Creating a storyboard scene or entire story
- Studying dramatic narrative arcs
- Establishing de-escalation and conflict resolution techniques through writing and illustration
First Meeting
Introductions Presentation (for young readers)
Please feel free to download this slide presentation (available as a PowerPoint file or as a PDF) to be used during a First Meeting Introduction with a classroom or afterschool group. Each screen asks the same questions: Who am I? What makes me a hero? to break the ice and stimulate discussion between young, early, and non-readers alike. Who is a hero? What is a super-power? What does being a hero entail? Getting the bad guys. Rescuing a person. Saving the day.
Science Stories, Spotlights, Shorts Comics
Visit JKX Comics for engaging comics created to increase students’ scientific literacy, highlighting historical facts, fun science info, and hidden figures in STEM!
We are also looking for testimonials, anecdotes, and recommendations from creative teaching professionals on how they have incorporated comic book materials in constructive ways.
Giveaway Events
Through Learn To Read Comics‘ education projects, every student and parent who attends our Donation Events will be given at least one free comic.
For schools, after-school programs, and community learning centers, there will be opportunities to receive an assortment of free comic books, neatly presented with individual covers and packaging.
Email us to request more info at or fill out our Application Form.
Academic Articles
Time for Change: Conscious Empathy
The very active non-profit First Book organization is promoting an excellent "Time For Change" initiative, with the goal of helping...
Picture Books boost kids’ brain function.
The sight of illustrations that stay still and allow children time to explore them visually engages deep cognitive functions of developing brains.
Comic Books Help Students Learn to Read and Improve Comprehension
Long gone are the days when comics used to be restricted . . .
Pop-up books: collectible page-turners in 3-D
NEW YORK – Movable books feature dramatic, three-dimensional or moving parts that readers can manipulate.
Make Junior High School Students Fall in Love with English Reading
A few decades ago, reading a comic book was considered a controversial issue.
Comic books’ latest plot twist: Enhancing literacy instruction
The stereotypical view regarding comics is that it is a disposable means . . .
Crossing Literacy and Informed Learning Boundaries with Manga
In today’s age, we are drowning in information and no aspect of . . .
Teaching Classic Literature with Comic Books and Virtual Lit Trips
Comic books have a rich history in entertainment. The use of pictures…
Reading Graphically
In 2011, Barbara Ward and Terrell Young, both faculty members…
Comics and CLIL
Comics and CLIL (Content Language and Integrated Learning): Producing Quality…
The Value of Targeted Comic Book Readers
Research has indicated that a noticeable gain in literacy…