Picture Books boost kids’ brain function.
The sight of illustrations that stay still and allow children time to explore them visually engages deep cognitive functions of developing brains.
Comic Books Help Students Learn to Read and Improve Comprehension
Long gone are the days when comics used to be restricted . . .
Pop-up books: collectible page-turners in 3-D
NEW YORK – Movable books feature dramatic, three-dimensional or moving parts that readers can manipulate.
Make Junior High School Students Fall in Love with English Reading
A few decades ago, reading a comic book was considered a controversial issue.
Comic books’ latest plot twist: Enhancing literacy instruction
The stereotypical view regarding comics is that it is a disposable means . . .
Crossing Literacy and Informed Learning Boundaries with Manga
In today’s age, we are drowning in information and no aspect of . . .
Teaching Classic Literature with Comic Books and Virtual Lit Trips
Comic books have a rich history in entertainment. The use of pictures…
Reading Graphically
In 2011, Barbara Ward and Terrell Young, both faculty members…