International Comic/Manga School Contest 2022
Attention students – school registration for this international comic contest ends March 15!You have until April 8 to get your entries in, but you’ll need to make sure your school is registered to do so! More publishers have come onboard as sponsors for...
Minnie Mouse’s new look
British fashion designer Stella McCartney has designed Minnie Mouse’s new sartorial statement for International Women’s Day in March, temporarily trading her iconic red dress for a new look. and it’s a beautiful blue polka-dot power...
LA Comic Con! Dec 3-5 2021
The Los Angeles Comic Con is next weekend, and we’re so ready to go! It’s the convention’s 10th Anniversary, covering all things comics, gaming, sci-fi, anime and pop culture from 700+ vendors and artists, and over 150 celebrity panels and...
Afro Latinx Children’s Books
Fully-illustated children’s book with kids of color as protagonists are slowly becoming more available, and illustrators and authors of color join publication houses that previously “whitewashed” their stories. In years past, pubishers would reject...
Reminder: Monster Me Contest!
π CALLING ALL PARENTS & TEACHERS π Submit your kid’s monster drawing for a chance to win awesome prizes from gift cards and board games to professional art software + your entry will donate iPOP! iOpeningStories’ Monster Me books to our non-profit!...
Voting Rights and John Lewis
Andrew Aydin was a congressional staffer for the late congressman John Lewis, and co-authored a graphic novel with the congressman about his life, covering his powerful activism in the civil rights movement during the 60s. Aydin hopes that young readers of the graphic...
Richie Slade Illustrates – Round Two! | Email News 8-22
Learn to Read Comics Presents Richie Slade β Round Two! More Richie Slate on Instagram π CALLING ALL PARENTS & TEACHERS π Submit your kid’s monster drawing for a chance to win awesome prizes from gift cards and board games to professional art software + your...
Free Comic Book Weekend Aug 14-15
Free Comic Book Day isΒ an annual promotional effort by the North American comic book industry to help bring new readers into independent comic book stores. Normally one single day, the COVID-19 crisis of 2020 forced the organizers to rethink the event protocols and instead most store owners offered a Free Comic Book Summer.